For this month's seminar, we welcome Daniel Bader from CCRUN and Abby Sullivan, Korin Tangtrakul, Elaine Montes, and Taylor Quinland from the City of Philadelphia's Office of Sustainability.
Climate change amplifies many of the challenges that Philadelphia faces and will disproportionately affect the most vulnerable populations. Storms, heat waves, and floods already pose risks to Philadelphia’s infrastructure, city services, public health and emergency response. Future climate in Philadelphia is projected to be warmer and wetter with more extreme storms and the rate of sea level rise will increase – and we know we must act now. Please join the Office of Climate Resilience from the Philadelphia Office of Sustainability to learn more about the impacts of climate change on Philadelphia, including the region’s biggest vulnerabilities and what the city is doing to prepare. In addition to presenting on citywide resilience planning initiatives, place-based resilience efforts led by OOS and department-specific climate adaptation efforts, this talk will look at the financial costs of inaction and make the business case for investing in resilience.