We invite you to join our panel discussion with the co-leads of the region’s Climate Resilience Research Agenda (CRRA) Working Groups! We will also be presenting updated CMIP 6 climate projections for the Philadelphia Region.
Background: The CRRA was developed through a collaboration formed in 2019 between the City of Philadelphia, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC), the Academy of Natural Sciences (ANS) of Drexel University, and Drexel University faculty and staff engaged in CCRUN. Through four working groups, 100+ participants representing over 60 organizations co-produced a preliminary list of research activities that, if undertaken, can help to make the Philadelphia region more resilient to climate change.
The final CRRA report, which will be released in May, will also include the most up to date climate projections for the region. Researchers from CCRUN downscaled CMIP6 data released in 2021 by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to the Philadelphia region in the beginning of 2023, timed with the publication of this report.
The CRRA report will constitute a first step in what must become an ongoing, inclusive public discussion regarding how this region will address the challenges of climate change.