The Biden Administration has advanced new climate initiatives that will greatly accelerate and reinvigorate the federal government’s engagement in urgently needed climate action, including the U.S.’s rejoining of the Paris Agreement. Although the previous administration withdrew from direct action, municipalities, states, and other subnational organizations continued their work on climate issues. “We are still in” became the organizing principle for this loose network of researchers, practitioners and policy-makers. While the country still faces a series of significant crises and numerous policy demands, the opportunity to advance urban climate action, generally, and policy-making and research, more specifically, is abundantly evident. This is a unique moment to link rapidly-advancing federal actions with local initiatives that have grown significantly over the past several years. The webinar focused on successful models of collaboration between cities and universities and was organized around three specific measures of success: the generation of actionable knowledge, infusion of climate considerations into higher education, and best practices for scaling climate action.